Get Involved with York DramaSoc
Every show we do is entirely done by our members, so if there is something you would like to try we offer opportunities for all!
Can't see anything that suits you? Why not get in contact with the relevant committee members (costume, technical, marketing etc.) for more information?
We have so many opportunities for all you budding thespians this term.
Weekend Play Auditions
Plays week 2-5 have been cast already - but in week 2 you can audition for our weeks 6 - 9 plays! Look out for Facebook events for each of the shows and our walking bus to to make sure no one gets lost! ​
ODNs audition throughout the term and give performers a variety of opportunities to try out new and experimental scripts and performance styles. Our ODN line-up will be announced in week 8 so keep an eye on the facebook page for opportunities!
For all you budding directors, we have a few opportunities for you below! All our shows are pitched by members, so if you have a show you would like to put on, come along to our workshops and open meeting.
Weekend Plays
Pitches will open in week 5, but you can come to Open Meeting on a Wednesday and Open Barn on a Monday to chat to committee about your ideas. Pitches close Wednesday Week 7.
Writer's Showcase
We run Writer's Showcase twice a year, and it's a great opportunity to see what it's like directing new writing. Pitches are now open so directing positions will be appearing soon - watch this space...
We're always looking for people interested in tech. Most of our shows are in need of someone to help with all aspects of this; from lighting and sound design to rigging and running a show. Let us know if you'd like to help out, no matter what your experience is. We are happy to train those willing to learn, and learn from those with experience!
Weekend Shows Need Techs!
All weekend shows and ODNs need techs! If you're new to the tech world, get in touch and ask about teching an ODN as they're more laid back and a good stepping stone into the vast tech ocean. If you want to dive straight in, then how about teching a weekend show?
If you're interested in any tech opportunities, then please contact Nathan.
Open Barn
Every Monday, 12-2pm: This a chance to meet our resident techies and be taught how to use our equipment so you can jump right in when it comes to teching a show. Open Barn is on every week during term time at The Drama Barn.
Every year DramaSoc takes some shows to both the Great Yorkshire Fringe and Edinburgh Fringe, Pitching for this opens in Spring Term and the team works closely with our External Vice Chair who will lead them with how to get the most from the fringe experience.